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Wilderness Medical Training


Our Mission:


One of the primary missions is education and training. We are extremely pleased to be able to take this education to the next level by offering Wilderness Medical Training.


Who is this training for?


The Wilderness First Aid certification is an entry-level course for wilderness medicine and has no pre-requisites. It is highly recommended for anyone who spends time in the backcountry. Whether you are planning on leading a multi-day trip or even a day hiker who wants to be prepared for anything that may come up. Skiers, kayakers, mountain bikers, climbers, and campers... everyone can benefit from this training.


Experienced Instructors


Each instructor is an experienced and current member of Mountain Rescue. Because of this, the instructors bring real-world, hands-on experience to the classroom. All instructors are at a minimum a wilderness EMT.


Hands-on learning - SOLO Schools


Solo Schools CAMRA is excited to partner with SOLO to offer regular wilderness medical training. Founded in 1976 as a school dedicated to teaching Wilderness and Emergency Medicine, SOLO has instructed over 107,000 individuals, guides, mountain rescue teams, and staffs from organizations such as NOLS, Outward Bound, the Appalachian Mountain Club, Nantahala Outdoor Center, The Sierra Club, and the National Park Service as well as fire, rescue and ambulance services. CAMRA is proud to be able to teach with SOLO and make much-needed wilderness medical training available to the public.




If you have further questions regarding the Wilderness First Aid courses provided by CAMRA, on-line registration difficulties, or general questions regarding wilderness medicine, you can contact


Location and Time:

North Mountain Visitor Center
12950 N 7th St

Phoenix, Arizona 85022

8:00 am to 5:00 pm


DAY 1:


  • Patient Assessment System

  • Fractures/Dislocations

  • Splint Improvisation

  • Preparedness

DAY 2:


  • Environmental Emergencies

  • Shock

  • Long-term Patient Care

  • Soft Tissue Injuries

  • Bites and Stings

October 10 - 11, 2024

August 24 - 25, 2024

October 26 - 27, 2024

December 14 - 15, 2024


CAMRA is a non-profit organization comprised entirely of unpaid professionals. We do not charge for SAR. We survive on donations and grants.


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12950 N 7th St

Phoenix, AZ 85022




(623) 252-5878


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